Full Moon Backpacking in the Catskills is a special experiences that you’ll want to bring friends along and repeat. Our take on this amazing experience goes off-trail and navigates a fun route to an amazing remote campsite. The camping location is next to an open summit that (weather permitting) will allow fantastic views of the full moon. Please book in advance so that we can take take maximum advantage of timing of the full moon.

This full moon backpacking is definitely off the beaten path (pun intended) and is a Catskill bucket-list experience. It is strenuous covering 9 miles and 3000 feet of elevation gain over the 2 days while carrying overnight gear. Clear skies not guaranteed, but this is a fantastic trip even without the moon.
This overnight backpacking adventure is for fit hikers able to carry a full pack on challenging backcountry terrain. Group gear and meals will be provided. You will need your own personal items (including backpack and sleeping bag).

Our small group will navigate an interesting bushwhack route for 3 miles with a climb of 1600 feet before reaching our campsite. We’ll need to carry all of our water for the evening because there is no water source near our campsite.
After we set up our camp, I will serve a tasty backcountry happy hour (only food is included) followed by a hearty dinner and a surprise dessert.
On day 2 after breakfast, we’ll continue bushwhacking up an interesting ridge to a neighboring Catskill 3500 summit where we’ll take in the views before hiking 5 miles on trails back to where we began. The two day total of hiking will add up to 9 miles with 3000 feet of elevation gain and there is plenty of challenge both days.

Contact us to request more information or to schedule a full moon backpacking experience: